Homemade Strawberry Shortcake

strawberry shortcake

Did you know that the homemade strawberry shortcake we all love and adore dates back to the late sixteenth century?  The long history of this simple cake is pretty amazing. As far as food historians know the first recipe was published in 1588 in an old English cookbook. By the late 1800s, it became popular in The United States. Shortcake is recognizable by its crumbly biscuit-like texture and fruit layers. Americans originally served it with warm butter and sweetened cream.  Eventually, French pastry chefs spun their culinary magic on the recipe with the addition of whipped cream along with fresh berries. Which is what we all enjoy and look for when making or ordering a strawberry shortcake dessert.

Mark your calendars on June 14 because it’s National Strawberry Shortcake Day.

Also, if you are interested in baking a dessert for Mother’s Day, this one would be a perfect surprise. It’s simple to make, you can make it a day or two in advance making it a perfect sweet surprise.  The recipe below is an easy-to-follow recipe and safe for the children in your life to help along too. Strawberries and cream are hard to resist no matter what age you are.