A few months ago I started writing for New Theory Magazine. The target audience for this cutting-edge magazine are Millennials, Gen X’ers, and Gen Z. New Theory Magazine’s platform is all about forward-thinking and inspiration. My articles so far have been about delicious recipes, culinary insights, inspirational pieces, and viniculture.
The Magazine has a wide variety of writers that cover a great gamut of interesting topics. After writing for The Huffington Post this new opportunity with New Theory Magazine is a nice fit.
Please click here to be directed to my articles on New Theory Magazine. Also, you can learn more by reading my initial blog post about this writing collaboration with New Theory Magazine. If there is a topic or something culinary or travel-minded that you would like me to write about please feel free to contact me at franco@francolania.com, or you can simply leave a comment at the end of this blog post and I will get your request that way as well.
And, speaking about travel! It looks like things are beginning to open up again for tourism so please stop by the Tavola Tours website or Facebook page for future travel updates.

Keep coming back and I wish you all a great summer!