Of all the kitchens in all the top restaurants in the world, every single one you walk into, you will see a cast-iron skillet. These dynamic and useful tools have held steadfastly at the helm of many a chef’s favored appliance. Countless people who own a cast iron will tell you it’s not a trend, but rather a lifestyle. Here is why you should purchase a cast-iron skillet.
According to the FDA, non-stick pans can be dangerous when temperatures exceed 500 degrees Fahrenheit. The non-stick Teflon coating breaks down at this temperature, emitting toxic fumes into the air. People who inhale these fumes may get polymer fume fever, otherwise known as Teflon flu.
You want to be more conscious about your cookware, which is why cast-iron skillets are a fantastic choice. A cast-iron skillet does not emit toxic fumes at higher temperatures, making it safer. Your cooking and baking tools should be long-lasting and safe to use, as they come into contact with everything you eat and serve.
Safer To Use
According to the FDA, non-stick pans can be dangerous when temperatures exceed 500 degrees Fahrenheit. The non-stick Teflon coating breaks down at this temperature, emitting toxic fumes into the air. People who inhale these fumes may get polymer fume fever, otherwise known as Teflon flu.
You want to be more conscious about your cookware, which is why cast-iron skillets are a fantastic choice. A cast-iron skillet does not emit toxic fumes at higher temperatures, making it safer. Your cooking and baking tools should be long-lasting and safe to use, as they come into contact with everything you eat and serve.
Durable Heirloom
Cast-iron skillets are so durable that they can pass down generation after generation. If you properly care for and maintain it, your great-grandchildren might cook with something you once used. This idea is undoubtedly touching, but you must learn to season your cast iron properly to ensure that future. This may seem intimidating at first, but it is easier than you think. There are many great conditioning methods.
Once you have your cast-iron skillet seasoned and ready for cooking, try this Shakshuka recipe made with heirloom tomatoes. Cooking heirlooms on an heirloom, how fitting!
If the other points haven’t already convinced you, the amazing versatility is also a significant reason why you should purchase a cast-iron skillet. You can pretty much cook anything any type of way on this one-for-all, assiduous tool. Be it baking, broiling, frying, or roasting, your cast-iron skillet can do it all and more. It also doubles as an iron supplement; as you cook, the iron from your skillet seeps into your food, enriching it with this vital nutrient in which many are deficient.