These smoked scamorza cheese dinner rolls are a delicious and exciting addition to any dinner party. The rolls take on a tantalizing smoked aroma that permeates through the roll as they bake as the scamorza cheese begins to melt inside of them. One trick to these cheese-filled rolls is that they MUST be served hot in order to enjoy their delightfully cheesy ooey gooey goodness.
Smoked Scamorza Cheese Filled Dinner Rolls
(makes 12 rolls)
To make the buns
- 660 grams flour
- 10 grams salt
- 10 grams of active dried yeast
- 20 grams sugar
- 200 ml warm milk (convert milliliters to cups)
- 200 ml warm water
- 90 ml olive oil
Ingredients to make the yeast paste
- 10 grams of active dry yeast
- 60 grams of all-purpose flour
- 5 grams sugar
- 5 grams salt
- 2 tablespoons (20 ml) of olive oil
- 100 ml water
To make the buns
- Place all liquids in a bowl add the yeast and sugar and mix all together.
- Add the salt to the flour and mix them together.
- Now pour the flour into the yeast bowl and stir all together to create the beginnings of a dough.
- The yeast, sugar, and all liquids.
- The salt and flour.
- Creating the dough.
- Dump the dough on a lightly floured work surface a kneed it to create a homogenous ball of dough.
Tip: The dough should remain slightly sticky. DO NOT add too much additional flour to the dough. If you have a large enough bowl you can create the dough by kneading it directly in the bowl.
- Once you’ve kneaded the dough cover the dough with a kitchen towel and place it in a draft-free place for one hour. Inside of a microwave or your oven is a good spot.
- The ball of dough.
- The dough after a one-hour rise.
- While the dough is rising cut the smoked scamorza cheese into 3/4 inch cubes.
- Once the dough has risen for an hour place it on your floured work surface.
- Pat the dough down and form it into a rectangle large enough to divide it into 12 equal parts.
- Then place a cube of cheese in the center of each.
- Heat your oven to 420°F and place your oven rack in the center of the oven.
- The cubed smoked scamorza cheese
- Place the cheese in the center of each section.
- Now close each section of dough around the cheese.
- Form them into balls and roll them on your work surface to create a nice round ball of dough.
- Carefully close the cheese in the dough balls.
- Place the rolled finished dough ball in a baking tray.
Tip: DO NOT press too hard as you roll the dough into ball shapes. The cheese may break through.
- Place the dough balls on a sheet pan lined with baking paper.
- Now make the yeast paste.
To make the yeast paste
- Add all the ingredients into a small bowl and mix it well.
- Measure about one tablespoon of the mixture and spoon it over the dough balls.
- This paste will add a nice element of taste along with the smoked scamorza cheese.
- Whisk the yeast paste well.
- The coated dough balls.
- Place the rolls in the oven and bake for 20-25 minutes.
- The rolls will have a light golden color on top with a little delicious cheese oozing out.
- The bottoms of the rolls should be a golden brown color.
Tip: If the rolls are not quite done cook them an additional five minutes and then check them.
- Once the rolls are done serve them immediately while piping hot and the cheese is deliciously melted.