Italian Easter Bread | Pane di Pasqua

Easter bread

I have been asked by numerous people to post this Italian Easter bread recipe. I’m excited to do so!  Easter is a celebration of “rebirth” in the religious context as well as in nature.

I did some quick research to tie together Easter, rebirth, and spring.  The word Easter is derived from an ancient word for spring.  The Christian holiday of Easter and all it symbolizes is not coincidentally celebrated in springtime as well. Spring was considered a very magical time and it was a wondrous time for ancient Mediterranean people along with Northern Europeans. It was a celebration of the “new life” that the spring season promises every year after difficult and long winters.
The Easter we celebrate today stems greatly from this mindset and it is the building block upon which Christianity is based. “Life after Death” a complete rebirth in us and it’s exactly what happens in nature after winter passes. Life begins anew, fresh, and as wonderful as ever before!”



Springtime celebrations have always included things that were colorful, such as flowers, and colorfully dyed eggs, colorful clothes, etc.

This is another way to symbolize and celebrate the vast array of colors that spring brings with it each and every year. Also, it’s a fantastic time for farmers. They are about to begin their life’s work not that Mother Nature has woken up the Earth. 



Celebratory Easter Breads

In the case of this celebratory Easter bread, it is the same colorful springtime celebration.  Italian and Greek versions are the most well-known and are always decorated with vibrantly dyed eggs.  The Italian style uses many different colors, while the Greeks tend to stick to their traditional red-dyed eggs weaved into their Easter bread.

Greek Easter Bread

Whatever style you prefer the Easter bread is a very traditional way to celebrate the change of seasons and the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

It is extremely fun to make with children. It’s safe and if you wish as you pass down this traditional holiday recipe the kids can also be told about the religious symbols behind the making of this festive bread.  and religious story. Children get a kick out of the whole bread-making process and you can rest assured that they will gobble up the end result, it is just that delicious!

To read further on the history of the word “Easter” and its origins click here.